Thursday, August 27, 2020

Schedule and Cost Control Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Timetable and Cost Control Techniques - Essay Example An average critical thinking procedure may resemble this: This procedure is basically inline with the levelheaded dynamic procedure and there are run of the mill reasonable zones where the proper dynamic of such procedure is required as far as venture the board. These choice regions incorporate estimation of costs, choice of different instruments to be utilized, choice of the merchants who will give different gear and administrations and so forth. In any case, dynamic falls inside two more extensive zones of dynamic. These are progress choices just as appropriation choices. Progress choices are essentially taken so as to survey whether the task is meeting the appointed targets though reception choices are worried about adding new objectives to it. As talked about over that there zone different models accessible which choice investigators use. Choice investigator endeavor to develop models of different choice circumstances. These models utilize generally different numerical instruments, for example, designs, conditions and stream outlines and so forth. The point is consistently to give different dynamic boundaries. In its embodiment, choice examination is a strategy dependent on the arrangement of factual procedures anyway most recent patterns in the dynamic procedure include a more extensive perspective on the choice investigation while perceiving the commitment being settled on to the various periods of dynamic procedure. The utilization of programming is additionally another choice which is being utilized for dynamic reason. These programming projects incorporate spreadsheets, measurements bundles and diverse monetary demonstrating bundles. Particular virtual products are additionally accessible for the utilization. These programming projects incorporate choice master, Precision Tree just as Crystal Ball and so on. These product help a great deal so as to all the more likely formalize the dynamic procedure inside the association and help to settle on it more on objective dynamic models. It is likewise very

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Earnest Hemingways Farewell To Arms English Literature Essay

Sincere Hemingways Farewell To Arms English Literature Essay Proposal: Farewells to arms by Earnest Hemingway focuses on adverse effects of war, generally speaking misfortune and how it influences individuals by causing them to lose the limit with respect to moral judgment and judicious idea. I. Presentation II. Brief summation of A Farewell to Arms III. Elements that inspired Ernest Hemingway to compose the novel IV. Imagery in the novel The downpour Catherines hair V. The subject of authenticity The brutal truth of war Love and Pain Departure from the real world VI. Negative effect of the war V. End A Farewell to Arms A Farewell to Arms is a self-portraying novel composed between 1899 and1961 by Ernest Hemingway and first distributed in 1929.The epic was composed through a view purpose of Lieutenant Frederic Henry, an American who fills in as a rescue vehicle driver in the Italian armed force during the First Worlds War. The epic is about a cataclysmic sentiment between Catherine Barkley, a British medical caretaker and Frederick Henry, an American fighter. A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway focuses on antagonistic effects of war, generally speaking misfortune and how it influences individuals by causing them to lose the limit with respect to moral judgment and normal idea. Brief summation Henry, while serving in the bleeding edge of the Italian powers is injured on the knee by a mortar shell and is admitted to a clinic in Milan. While in the emergency clinic, he meets Catherine whom he goes gaga for. The relationship blooms in summer as they hobnobbed in Milan. Following three months of remaining together, Catherine gets pregnant. Henry comes back to his unit however after a brief period, he takes part in the clash of Caporetto where Austro-German powers overwhelmed the Italian powers and constrained them to withdraw. While getting away from the enemys assault, their vehicle is stuck in the mud and when two sergeants engineers singled out the path will not take a request for helping with getting the vehicle out of mud, Henry slaughters one of them. On understanding that they will be killed, Henry and different drivers look for asylum in a homestead house and reemerge on the following day. Henry is seized by the fight police and in the wake of hearing that a Lt. Colone l had been executed; Henry liberates himself from the hold of the fight police and jump into a waterway along these lines getting away from a potential execution. Henry and Catherine rejoin and utilizing a vessel, they escape to Switzerland. They carry on with a tranquil life in a hilly locale in Switzerland and sooner or later, Catherine starts giving birth. After a difficult and long work, Catherine brings forth a stillborn child, gets a Hemorrhage and before long passes on leaving Henry who returns to the lodging in the downpour (Bakers 56). Variables that spurred Ernest Hemingway to compose the Novel In 1918, during the First World War, Hemingway joined the Italian Red cross as a rescue vehicle driver, where the Italian powers associated to French, British and Americans were battling against Germany and Austrian Hungary. While serving in the Red Cross during the war, there are various encounters that incited him to compose the novel. The primary experience happened in July 8, 1918 when he along with three fighters was hit by a channel mortar shell while hunching past the bleeding edge. Despite the fact that Hemingway exaggerated the story throughout the years, obviously he was moved to Milan where he becomes hopelessly enamored with Agnes von Kurowsky, a Red Cross attendant. It is accepted that the connection among Henry and Catherine in the novel echoes Hemingways relationship with the Red Cross attendant. At the point when Hemingway was filling in as an independent columnist in Turkey and Greece, he saw the retreat of Greece armed force and its non military personnel which gave him a significant establishment recorded as a hard copy his story .The story on retreat of the Italian soldiers depended on his experience on the retreat of Greece armed force and its regular people. The work by certain creators has affected Hemingway Novel. In 1921 when he wedded his first of the four spouses, he settled in Paris where he made significant associations with American journalists, for example, Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein. In his assortment of stories, In Our Time, he presented Nick Adams; one of his preferred writers whose troublesome street from Youth into development he had recorded impacted him into composing his books. Hemingway utilizes two significant images to effectively express his idea by expressing that war shows the clouded side of mankind and causes more damage than anything else. Imagery in the Novel The epic uses representative language to interface with perusers feeling by indicating how war can influence people groups method of living and thinking which brings about them searching for a venture that over the long haul may have antagonistic outcomes. These images wrap up the significant topics in the novel and are utilized by the essayist in a major manner. The generally utilized images are downpour and Catherines hair. The downpour With regards to the novel, downpour represents the predictable breakdown of a cheerful life. While Catherine and Henry were resting on Bed tuning in to the tempest outside, Catherine presents the importance of the downpour. As the downpour dropped on the rooftop, Catherine concedes the way that downpour alarms her and goes further to express that it has an inclination of pulverizing things for sweethearts. All things considered, circumstance, meteorological wonders don't have such force yet emblematically, Catherine fears is demonstrated to be prophetic where after a brief time, fate comes upon the sweethearts. After the demise of Catherine, Henry leaves the Hospital and strolls home in the downpour. For this situation, the falling precipitation checks Catherines tension and affirms one of the contention of the novel that incredible love simply like different things on the planet anyway positive or negative they might be don't keep going forever (Mellow 103). Catherines hair Catherines hair is a significant image in the novel. In the beginning periods of their relationship, as Catherine and Henry lie in bed, Catherine brings down her hair and lets it stream over Henrys head. The fall of Catherines hair helps Henry to remember being behind a water fall or encased in a tent. The image displayed by the hair remain as an image of the detachment of the couples from the world. With a wild war around them, they fruitful secure a great withdrawal which they accept is ensured by something that is as fragile as hair. Afterward, when they are totally detached from obliteration of war and living in harmony in Switzerland, they gain proficiency with a pitiless exercise that love despite brutal the truth is as brief and sensitive as hair (Meyers 87) The effect of imagery in characterizing the topic of Realism Images have been utilized well to characterize significant topics in the novel and have been resounded in the subject of authenticity that include the brutal truth of war, love and agony, and break from the real world. The downpour shows the truth that occurs for Henry where he utilizes love as an appearance in fleeing from war yet winds up in disaster. The war made him take part in an off-base relationship that eventually finished in death of Catherine and the infant. The truth inside the image of the downpour is that anything anyway certifiable it is has a short life expectancy and this is all around displayed in the affection relationship he draws in with Catherine that takes a limited ability to focus. The fragile idea of the relationship is represented by Catherines hair. The images draw out the topic of authenticity in various manners. The cruel truth of war The title of the novel is delineated in line of war which Frederic Henry battles to liberate himself from and desert it. Scarcely any characters, for example, Gino and Ettore Moretti bolster the war however lion's share of them are reluctant about the war, far fetched of the magnificence it purportedly brings and angry of the destruction it achieves. The epic gives an away from of the rough turmoil and silly ruthlessness achieved by the contention. As the qualities and honesty of men in the general public start to break down, the negative impact is felt in the warriors brains, nerves and their ability for moral judgment and normal idea. For example, Henry shoots an Engineer for declining to assist him with liberating the vehicle that had stuck in the mud, a rough upheaval that repudiate his coolly separated character. The homicide of the architect appeared to be legitimized on the grounds that it is a normal consequence of savagery and confusion of war (Waldhorn 76). Love and Pain The topic of authenticity is delineated well in the connection among adoration and torment. Against the foundation of the assaults of war, Hemingway offers a sad, profound intervention on the idea of adoration. Catherine starts a game intended to allure Henry while as yet grieving her dead fiancã © with a point of removing herself from the agony of her lost love. Love can realize wretchedness and can too be utilized as a solution for the hopelessness. Henry plans to move far away from war as could be expected under the circumstances thus along with his adoration, they discover impermanent comfort from things that influence them. Henry sees how basic his adoration for Catherine is, balances any worry for unique goals, for example, popularity so as to escape the war and search for her. This is a reasonable sign that affection can go similarly as diverting an individual from regular day to day existence. The disaster looked by the couple show that adoration, anyway authentic it might b e is consistently impermanent as different things of the world as delineated in the image of the downpour while simultaneously it is as sensitive as Catherines hair (Oliver, 68). Getaway from the real world Break from reality clarifies the subject of authenticity in various manners. Henrys inclusion with Catherine is planned for getting away from the craziness of war. In reality the outrageous condition of the war united the two therefore making a situation that permitted them to begin to look all starry eyed at. The relationship gives Henry a sincerely sheltered landing where he can sidestep the truth of the war. Under ordinary conditions, the relationship would not have happened yet because of the conditions that encompassed both Catherine and Henry, the relationship was started easily. So as to get away from the truth of war by getting into an affection relationship with Catherin

Friday, August 21, 2020

Writing a Pharmacy School Personal Statement

Writing a Pharmacy School Personal StatementIf you are going to apply for pharmacy school, you need to have a pharmacy school personal statement. It is important that you have a very good one, because it can either get you admitted or can get you passed over for a job in the field. The best thing to do is to write a nice one before you even start to think about whether or not you are going to take the entrance exam. If you do, then you will be ready to ace the test, which can help you get a job that way, instead of trying to get by in the competitive field without much success.When you are thinking about writing a statement for your application, what you should first remember is that you will only be testing for one of your classes at the pharmacy school. You will also be taking multiple-choice exams on subjects you don't know much about. So you need to come up with a statement that will put you in a position to do well. It should be short and snappy and try to get across what you ar e all about and what you hope to accomplish. Here are some tips on how to do that.First, it is best to be brief and to the point when writing your statement. Your essay will be judged by how well you think it fits into the class it is trying to fit into. Your statement needs to be designed so that you put your thoughts into a statement that does a good job of filling in the gaps of the curriculum.Choose the right words for each topic. You should stick to the basics, but do not be afraid to use some of the more complicated words for a better flow of thought. It is best to stick to what is necessary and avoid giving a lot of information that will be difficult to understand.When you are writing the main points, it is good to make sure you stick to the same type of words throughout the essay. Be aware that some students may find certain words they are not familiar with off-putting. So avoid using such words as 'the'and' when appropriate.You can always change up the main point if you wan t, but there are some students who may not like the way the main point flows. Always make sure you talk about the main points in one continuous sentence.It is a good idea to make the flow of your statement a little more choppy than normal. This can help students get a better idea of how to go about putting their thoughts into a coherent manner. It is also good to have variation between main points.These are some tips for writing a good personal statement. It is never easy, but when you do it right, it can give you a great resume that will impress potential employers and can get you through pharmacy school in the end. Good luck!

Monday, May 25, 2020

A Long Way Gone Questionair - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 320 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/09/19 Category Environment Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Problems Essay Did you like this example? Caitlin Spradlin Period 1 1. A long way gone: Memoirs of a boy soldier, Ishmael Beah 218 Pages 2. The external conflicts in this story include person vs. person and person vs. society. The reason person vs. person is included, because Ishmael has many problems with the rebels he must join in the cruel war that is of Sierra Leone. Not only did these very soldiers burn down his town and take away and later murder his parents, but they also bring horror and death to everyone who gets in their path, for reasons Ishmael could never discern. He must fight next to those that have destroyed the ones he loves, and the country he has grown to call his own. Person vs. society comes into play throughout the entire book. Ishmael and everyone who grew to be apart of this country must watch their whole community burn down, and see the horrors of death and destruction. They run for their lives and the lives of their loved ones, only to starve or get caught, beaten, and even killed with li ttle help from anyone. 3. The internal conflict of this story is individual vs. self. Ishmael is a young innocent boy who has to hear that his community, friends, and parents have all went down in flames. I imagine the emotional toll to be horrendous. He must also join the war that did so much wrong to him and continue on to be ordered to kill and torture others. For a boy who has probably never seen a gun, this is huge! He has to close himself down (emotionally) and try to strive like that. After the war he has to move to a different country alone, move in with strangers and continue to put back as many pieces to his puzzle as he can. He ends up being very successful but the emotional impacts of the war has scared him for forever. 4. Passage One: â€Å" Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Long Way Gone Questionair" essay for you Create order

Friday, May 15, 2020

Plato s Redefinition Of Piety Essay - 1543 Words

Tradition or Truth?: Plato’s Redefinition of Piety in the Apology of Socrates In order to understand what â€Å"piety† means in an ancient context, it is useful to remove assumptions and preconceived ideas of what religion and piety are about. James Schall, in his essay â€Å"What is Piety?† makes useful note of this sometimes overlooked, but obvious fact: Plato does not have revelation; that is, he does not have available an explanation of the inner life of the Godhead that is itself Trinity. Nor does he have a doctrine of Incarnation, wherein God is also revealed as a specific human being, God and man, one God, but two natures. Nor does he have such a thing as Mass, a sacrifice that itself includes the notions of prayer, expiation, and the suffering of God. Of course, it only makes sense that the type of religion known to Plato and Socrates and others in their ancient Athenian world was quite different from that which comes to mind in a modern culture shaped by a Judeo-Christian heritage. It follows then, that â€Å"religious words† such as piety, when used by an author such as Plato, should not be assigned the same connotations as accompany the word in other contexts. Indeed, C. Emlyn-Jones contends that â€Å"‘piety,’ with its Latin root and Romano-Christian associations† is a misleading translation of the word ÃŽ µÃ¡ ½ ÃÆ'ÃŽ ­ÃŽ ²ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ±, which is better understood as a â€Å"suitably reverent attitude towards groups or institutions demanding respect,† which is essential for the prosperity of the whole

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership Style of Deepak Parekh - 1812 Words

1. INTRODUCTION Good Leaders are made not born. If we have the desire and will power we can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience. Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. A leader must have an honest understanding of who he or she is and what he or she can do. To be successful a leader has to convince his followers to give their best so that they achieve a common goal. The leader has to be practical and realistic, yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist. One of the most important qualities a leader must have is vision. No matter how much hard work is put into†¦show more content†¦All this could not have been possible without the vision, entrepreneurship and astute leadership of Deepak Parekh. He has contributed significantly over the years to the growth of finance and accountancy profession, and his efforts have been widely acknowledged and honoured with his appointment or inclusion to various committees and commissions constituted by the government to address many a challenge. He was conferred with the international outstanding achievement award for 2010 by ICAEW in recognition of his phenomenal achievements as well as his influence on the financial sector and business in India. It is said that it was purely on the basis of humanitarian philosophy which he shared with his uncle, that he was able to further the cause of which HDFC was founded- to provide housing finance to the indian middle –class ,despite very little early success and not much coming in terms of investment – barring some occasional help from the World-bank. Today, with a 30,000 strong network of agents, HDFC has been able to help fulfil the dreams of millions of Indians of owing a house, which has in turn seen it register an astonishing annual growth of 30% year after year. 3. LEADERSHIP QUALITIES Deepak Parekh is also known to be the Man for all Seasons. By his vision and values he shows what a true leader is about. However, his passion is not limited to making businessesShow MoreRelatedEssay about different types of leadership styles9138 Words   |  37 Pages 3. Among the different types of leadership styles, which style would be suitable to a democratic country like India to become superpower in business? Justify your answer. LEADERSHIP The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers. To gain followers requires influence but doesnt exclude the lack of integrity in achieving this. Indeed, it can be argued that several of the worlds greatest leaders have lacked integrity and have adopted values that would not be shared by manyRead MoreProject on Hdfc Mutual Fund23334 Words   |  94 PagesLIMITED (AMC) AMC was incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, on December 10, 1999, and was approved to act as an AMC for the Mutual Fund by SEBI on July 30, 2000. The registered office of the AMC is situated at Ramon House, 3rd Floor, H.T. Parekh Marg, 169, Back bay Reclamation, Church gate, Mumbai - 400 020. In terms of the Investment Management Agreement, the Trustee has appointed HDFC Asset Management Company Limited to manage the Mutual Fund As per the terms of the Investment Management

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Letter To Cuba Essay Example For Students

A Letter To Cuba Essay The revolution in Cuba was not a result of economic deprivation, nor becauseof high expectations in the economy, it was the political factors andexpectations which evoked the civilians to revolt. The Cuban economy wasmoving forward at the time before the rebellion but the dominant influence ofthe sugar industry made the economy assymetrical and encouraged no dynamic industrial sector. Because of the dependance on sugar, the unemployment rate ranged between 16 and 20% rising and falling with sugar prices, ebbing and flowing as the season changed. The rural wage levels were incredibly unsteady and unpredictable; the standard of living was low. Dependance on the sugar industry did not retard the economy of Cuba, just the wages of its workers. It was the leaders of the nation who reaped profit from this dependance, and it was the leaders of the nation who insisted on keeping the nation the way it was. We will write a custom essay on A Letter To Cuba specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now By the mid 1950s, however, the middle class had expanded to 33% of the population. Democracy, as we know it, broke down: the large middle class did not assert democratic leadership, there was no social militancy in the working class ranks, and the people found order preferable to disarray. Batista could no longer legitimize his regime . Failure in the elections of 1954 showed the discontent of the people, and failure in communications with the United States illustrated its discontent. Finally, opposing forces confronted Batistas power: there were street protests, confrontations with the police, assault, sabotage, and urban violence. This began the revolution in Cuba. America, with its stubborn ideas and misjudgements of character, forcedCastro to turn to the Soviets for alliance and aid. When Castro visited theUnited States in April, 1959, there were different respected individualsholding different views of him and his future actions. Nixon believed Castroto be naive, some others thought him a welcome change from Batista, stillothers called him an immature but effective leader, without a well formed viewof how to lead a revolutionary movement and not overly concerned with abstractof philosophical matters (p. 55). Why, then, did the United States impressnit-picky ideals like there should not be communists in the Army or in labor,or Cubas approach to the Batista trials is totally unacceptable, too casual,too nonchalant on this forming leader? Castro was like an inexperiencedmurderer with a gun in his hand: any rustle in the background could set offhis nervous trigger finger causing death, destruction, and liaisons with theU.S. S.R. When America expressed dislike of the trial procedures Castro washolding, of course he (Castro) would try to prove he was able to run hiscountry by himself and snub the U.S. ambassador. The United States had somuch invested in Cuba that it was stupid to think that Cuba could not retaliatewhen the U.S. cut off sugar imports. America was just too sure of itselfthinking it could get away with criticism and acts like that when an immatureleader was in control. Cuba was not totally dependant on the United States andproved itself so. If Cuba could not find help and support in America, it sought elsewhere for those who smiled on its actions and ideals. Castro found friends in Russia; the United States made this so. Succeeding and failing have alot to do with judgement. For the UnitedStates, the revolution was a failure because the result was a communist nationin the Carribean. For the revolutionarie s in Cuba, the revolutionaccomplished many of their goals: capitalism was abolished and socialisminstalled eroding class distinctions and eliminating private property, theworking conditions improved, womens rights improved, labor unions wererecogniz ed, the military became more modern and advanced, political order wasrestored, the status of the country improved from dependant to independant, andmany more. For the people of Cuba, therefore, the revolution can be viewed asa success (if communism ca n be seen as acceptable), but for America, theresult was a failure. .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 , .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 .postImageUrl , .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 , .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70:hover , .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70:visited , .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70:active { border:0!important; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70:active , .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70 .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc820c764657976f69fa97a804da40f70:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Study of Mankind Antigone Essay Latin America is one of the poorest and underdeveloped sections of the world.Because of this fact, it is difficult for its nations to compete and thrive inthe world market with modern nations as they struggle to industrialize andimprove their status. Capitalism, as a basis for an economy, means that eachman has to struggle to make a living, that each man may fail and starve, andthat each man may get a lucky break and thrive. We saw this struggle of thelower classes clearly in Mexico during their industrialization. With communism, a man may not become of greater status than he is born with, but then again that status is no better than his neighbors; this man is, however, guaranteed a certain amount of land, for example, and a certain home and a certain salary. To the poor, those threatened by the extreme of starving, this idea is very appitizing. To a nation undergoing change, where there are many poor and these poor co uld get hurt by the industrialization, communism is appealing in every way. The United States has to learn that it is not in total control. We cannot goaround condemning countries which hold procedures different than our own. The developing count ries in Latin America must struggle through economically and politically hard times to reach their own maturity; this means experimentating with different styles of government to find out which is best for the specific country. If America wants democrac y to reign over the Carribean, Central, and South America, it should make the idea appealing, show these countries that it can work. America should support strong democratic leaders, encourage capitalistic moves they (the countries) make, and advise the nations when they need or ask for it. Mexico is an example where democracy worked, in Cuba, it didnt. Force will get us nowhere in preventing the spread of communism, either will cutting off relations with countries who are still debating U. S. A. or U . S. S. R. America has too many interests in Latin America toforce it into alliance with the Soviets. If America is supportive and actslike a friendnot a dictatorthese nations will develop naturally and seethat democracy is the best for them.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

10 Companies That Offer Part Time Jobs With Benefits

10 Companies That Offer Part Time Jobs With Benefits Want or need to work part-time, but need benefits? Get the work-life balance you need while still being able to get health insurance. There are a growing number of big companies and corporations that are offering benefits to part-time employees- even retirement plans. If you need this kind of job, here are a few great places to look first.1. Barnes NobleSweet discounts aside, part-time employees at this bookstore megachain receive personal days, PTO, vacation time, holidays, and sick days after only 6 months of employment. There are also optional medical, dental, FSA, and 401(k) plans available (with 4% employer contribution).2. CostcoYou’ll have to wait a little longer than full-time employees here for benefit eligibility (180 days instead of 90), but this retailer offers a very competitive package- including even child care assistance, life insurance, and prescription medication discounts. And your premiums are withheld pretax.3. Land’s EndLand’s End offers a ton of benefits to part-time employees in its 300 stores or corporate headquarters. So go ahead and snag the home and auto insurance discounts, backup child care centers, employee purchase programs, and access to a group legal plan, lower-cost eye surgery, and of course the obligatory merchandise discounts.4. NikeAfter a year of working steadily at 20 hours or more each week, Nike employees are eligible for a health plan, basic dental and vision, plus a stock purchase plan, 401(k), PTO, long-term care insurance, and profit-sharing. And if you work 30 hours a week or more, you’re eligible for the same benefits as full time employees.5. StaplesThis company’s part-time worker benefit plan doesn’t meet the standards of the Affordable Care Act, but it’s better than nothing- and includes limited dental and vision, short-term disability, stock purchase, 401(k), employee assistance for child and elder care, and legal and professional services to employees whoâ₠¬â„¢ve worked 500 hours in a six month period.6. StarbucksStarbucks employees are all called â€Å"partners.† And if you work 20 hours per week or more, you’re entitled to a benefits package specifically tailored to meet your needs. Work 240 hours in a three month period, and hand pick between comprehensive health care, discounted stock purchase, matching 401(k), educational savings, and time off. Plus, all eligible U.S. Starbucks â€Å"partners† can earn an online Bachelor’s degree from Arizona State University with full or partial tuition coverage. And at bare minimum, all partners get an in-store discount, plus a pound of free coffee per week.7. UPSThis shipping company’s website boasts that it offers full-time benefits for part-time employees- from health care to tuition assistance, plus insurance programs, FSA, work life balance programs, etc. Part-time employees are also allowed to take advantage of their tuition assistance program called Ear n and Learn, which gives employees up to $5,250 per year with a lifetime max of $25k.8. Whole FoodsPTO, health and life insurance, and stock option retirement plans are but a few of the benefits offered to employees working 20 hours per week or more and have completed a probationary period. Not to mention: employees and their spouses/domestic partners get a 20%+ in-store discount.9. Trader Joe’sYou have to be super friendly to land a gig here. But if you work 30 hours a week or more, you’re eligible for medical, prescription, and dental coverage. If you only work 15 hours per week, you’re still eligible for basic dental and vision, which is a sweet little bonus for relatively little time on the job.10. REIREI is just about as good as it gets. The REI Flex Plan is offered to any employees who work more than 20 hours per week, and gives core health services (preventative care, etc.) at no cost. It also pays for 85% of premiums for employee-only medical and dental. The Path Plan, for workers averaging 15 hours per week, covers 60%. A healthy lifestyle is important to REI, who believes that a healthy workforce is a strong workforce. Expect a rewards system of points for completing â€Å"health and stewardship activities.† Get healthy and get paid!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

sex vs gender essays

sex vs gender essays A person is born either male or female, however according to Mead the roles of males and females are conditioned by that person's given culture. There were two articles studied by Group D, the first one tries to prove that men or women can be the aggressive sex, while the second article deals on which sex talks more and why. What it comes down too is, that both articles try to distinguish which sex is more dominant and why. Margaret Mead article, "Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies," describes research done to see if cultures contribute to the shaping of a person. The research done involves three primitive groups, the Arapesh, the Mundugumor, and the Tchambuli. IN each of the groups the roles of the sexes , both males and females, were based on the culture conditioning rather genetics or heredity. For example, culture conditioning the way a new born child is shaped into its given culture. The three groups that research was done on, at a specific point in time the child is assigned personality traits which include feminine or masculine and also the manners of the child are established. The results differ from the three groups, for the Arapesh, the individual was mildly responsive, for the Mundugumor, both male and female were aggressive and violent, and for the Tchambuli, the women dominant and the men were emotionally dependent. The reason why the results were different for all thr ee is different cultures leads to different cultural conditioning. The second article written by Deborah Tannen, "You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation", deals with communication among men and women. The article attempts to explain why women and men talk when the do. The article states that women have been punished for talking too much or talking in the wrong way. Women have also been stereo typed since Colonial America, which different punishment were given to women. For example, wo ...

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Classroom Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Classroom Environment - Essay Example This supports the school philosophy where it states that â€Å"Creative Care Preschool provides a clean, safe and nurturing environment. It offers rich, age-appropriate learning materials/ experiences for children, carefully planed and prepared by teachers each day. Creative Care Preschool is a place where children free to explore, touch, experiment and ask many of their questions, supervised by adults in school so that they can discover the answers to these questions themselves.† (Creative Care Vision, Mission and Philosophy, 2010, p. 1) In general, the classroom environment should reflect the goals and expectations of the teacher. It will also dictate somehow to the children how they will behave (Brewer, 2001). Space allocation reflects the priorities of the curriculum. According to Boulton-Lewis & Catherwoods (1995), when the quality of the physical environment declined, teacher restriction and control increased, the teacher’s behavior became less friendly, the students became less interested and involved, classroom rules increased, and conflict among children increased. Likewise, Kepler (1995) observed that the learning environment influences, and directly contributes to, children’s behavior and levels of learning. It seems teachers at Creative Care Preschool are well aware of this, as they have structured the physical environment in such a way that children feel free to be themselves. The environment is one that is open and stimulating in order to encourage children to participate, explore, and learn. A stimulating environment provides the teacher with many opportunities to observe where a child’s interests lay as well as those areas the child may be tentative in (Danoff, Breitbart & Barr, 1977). The environment should also be flexible and spontaneous to accommodate children’s play that is essential in a preschool classroom, and is

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Na Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Na - Essay Example When the stories begin, the general impression a reader receives is that the women were devoted to their husbands. For instance, in the Yellow Wallpaper, the protagonist in referring to her husband states, â€Å"He is very careful and loving and hardly lets me stir without special direction.†(Gilman) In the case of â€Å"The Hour†, Mrs. Maillard initially appears heart broken at the news of her husband’s death – â€Å"she wept at once, with sudden wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms.† (Chopin). However, as the stories progress, this general impression is belied. The protagonist in â€Å"The Yellow Wall Paper† exhibits a subtle discontent with her husband John; he laughs at her and the author satirically remarks â€Å"one expects that in marriage.†(Gilman). Moreover, despite being a physician, he does not believe she is sick, he has not let her take the room downstairs with roses; rather he has confined her in a room with horrible yellow wall paper. It is also apparent that the author feels guilty about these subtle, underlying feelings of anger and resentment against her husband and would not be inclined to voice them aloud to anyone. She blames him for the fact that she is sick and feels helpless because despite being a physician, he has characterized her illness as a mere nervous depression and his word is law. She admits, â€Å"I get unreasonably angry with John sometimes I’m sure I never used to be so sensitive.† This reveals that she is aware of underlying feelings of resentment, but tries to mask it as an u npleasant side effect of her illness. As a woman, she is expected to be submissive and relegate herself to home and hearth, living in obedience to her husband’s will and as the story progresses, her anger against her husband becomes more and more apparent. In â€Å"the Hour† the protagonist has been living for so long in the state of captivity to her husband’s dominion that she automatically

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Biblical canon Essay Example for Free

Biblical canon Essay What do Fee and Stuart say is the only proper control for hermeneutics?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| the original intent of the biblical text| * Question 2 0 out of 3 points According to Fee and Stuart, regarding literary context, the most important question you will ever ask is, Whats the point?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | False| * Question 3 3 out of 3 points According to Fee and Stuart what do they say is the aim of a good interpretation?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| to get at the plain meaning of the text| * Question 4 3 out of 3 points According to Fee and Stuarts analysis they think most people do a very good job of handling Old Testament narrative passages. Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | False| * Question 5 3 out of 3 points The Septuagint is a product of the Babylonian Exile.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | True| * Question 6 3 out of 3 points Old Testament narrative normally does not directly teach a doctrine.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | True| * Question 7 3 out of 3 points Until just after World War II the oldest OT manuscripts we had dated from about 200 B.C.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | False| * Question 8 3 out of 3 points What is the first concern of translators?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| that the original text they are using is as close as possible to the original wording as when it left the authors hand| * Question 9 3 out of 3 points According to the text (Harbin) and the traditional/conservative view Moses wrote Genesis.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | True| * Question 10 3 out of 3 points What three languages were the 66 books of the Protestant Bible originally written?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek| * Question 11 3 out of 3 points The focus of the ___________ is on Jesus and his claim to be the Messiah.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| Gospels| * Question 12 0 out of 3 points The Modern View of the Bible approaches biblical documents as highly reliable.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | True| * Question 13 3 out of 3 points What is the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| They gave us a much older collection of Old Testament manuscripts.| * Question 14 3 out of 3 points The two types of context Fee and Stuart discussed in this weeks reading were†¦Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| historical and literary| * Question 15 3 out of 3 points | The Traditional View of the Bible is also known as the liberal view.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | False| * Question 16 3 out of 3 points Which of the following are not among the common causes people misinterpret biblical narratives mentioned in the text?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| projection * Question 17 0 out of 3 points In our readings this week the Bible is described in part as, the Word of God given in human words in history.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | False * Question 18 3 out of 3 points  According to Fee and Stuart what is the antidote to bad interpretation?Answer | | | | | Selected Answer:| good interpretation, based upon commonsense guidelines| * Question 19 3 out of 3 points The NT canon was formalized at the 3rd Council of Carthage in AD397.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | True| * Question 20 3 out of 3 points  At the end of Old Testament narratives we are always told whether the events spoken of were good or bad. We are not expected to be able to judge for ourselves based upon other related portions of scripture.Answer | | | | | Selected Answer: | False

Monday, January 20, 2020

Judaisms Modernization In America :: essays research papers

The Jewish way of life has been affected in a tremendous way by the people of the United States of America. By the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, there were only 2500 Jews in America. For forty years beginning in 1840, 250,000 Jews (primarily from Germany, Hungary, and Bohemia) entered this country. Anti-Semitism and economic woes in Eastern Europe went from bad to worse after the pogroms of 1881-1882. Almost three million Eastern European Jews left between 1881 and 1914, two million (85%) of which decided to come to America, where they thought "the streets were paved with gold." They were wrong. Because of this intercontinental migration, the social characterization of Jews in America changed drastically. Before the move, the largest group in the early eighteenth century were the Sephardic Jews. They lived in the coastal cities as merchants, artisans, and shippers. The Jews who predominately spoke German came to America over 100 years later, and quickly spread out over the land. Starting as peddlers, they moved up to business positions in the south, midwest, and on the west coast. New York City had 85,000 Jews by 1880, most of which had German roots. At this time in American history, the government accepted many people from many different backgrounds to allow for a diverse population; this act of opening our borders probably is the origin of the descriptive phrase "the melting pot of the world." These German Jews rapidly assimilated themselves and their faith. Reform Judaism arrived here after the Civil War due to the advent of European Reform rabbis. Jewish seminaries, associations, and institutions, such as Cincinnati's Hebrew Union College, New York's Jewish Theological Seminary, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC), and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, were founded in the 1880s. America was experimenting with industry on a huge scale at the time the Eastern European Jews that arrived. Their social history combined with the American Industrial Age produced an extremely diverse and distinct American Jewry by the end of the intercontinental migration, which coincided with the start of the Great World War (World War I). Almost two out of every three new immigrants called the big northeast municipalities (such as the Lower East Side of New York) their new home. They would take any job available to support the family, and they worked in many different jobs which were as physically demanding as they were diverse. The garment district in New York today was made from the meticulousness, the sweat, and the determination of the Jews.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

History of Art Therapy

Art therapy is an effective form of self expression and is now considered to be a viable psychological tool in resolving inner conflicts, and   particularly helps   in the rehabilitation of emotionally disturbed or mentally ill patients.Through the arts, thoughts,   feelings, and needs are communicated. It must be known that the cornerstone of this mode of therapy is psychoanalysis, which will be explored in detail below.Art therapy has been supplementing the psychotherapeutic programs in the hospital settings.   It is now widely used in psychiatric hospitals and rehabilitation centers, and, is practiced by qualified art therapists or by psychologists. But when and how did it begin?To begin to understand the discipline of psychology, and the role psychoanalysis played in the practice of psychotherapy in general, it is noteworthy to mention that while psychoanalysis and psychology have a common background in nineteenth century science,   they were independent of one another for a number of years because of their differences in focus or interests.Psychology was looking at sensation, perception, memory and thinking – all elements and processes of consciousness.Whereas, psychoanalysis focused on the unconscious – motivation, emotion, conflict, neurotic symptoms, dreams and character traits. Following World War II, and perhaps, due to the demands of the time, the gap between the two disciplines began to diminish, and thanks to the opportunity offered   to psychologists to train in psychoanalysis   (Hall & Lindzey, 1978).While the arts as a form of human expression have been around for thousands of years, the merger of psychotherapy and arts therapy was realized in   the 1940's during the World War II.   Adrian Hill, a professional artist, coined the term â€Å"art therapy.†Ã‚   Hill   turned to his art for his own therapy while he was recovering in a   health sanitarium for tuberculosis patients.He later had the chance to i ntroduce painting to other patients. He found out that, not only did the patients found satisfaction in their work, but they were able to use it to reveal their repressed feelings   and   trauma of the war (Borowsky,1984).It was Edith Kramer who made observations on the importance of art for traumatized children. In the late 1930s, Kramer has worked with children of refugees from Nazi, Germany, and she has observed firsthand, how the children responded to stress.The artwork of these children revealed patterns of unresolved conflicts, regression and even aggression . It must be remembered that these children   have seen the horrible damage done by Hitler (Kramer, 1971).Kramer emphasized that art expression is an emotional journey toward self-discovery.   In her approach, art as a process is a catharsis. Recreating scenes and images from one's   past traumatic experience   helps bring the unconscious conflicts unto consciousness, and once catharsis is experienced, relief a nd positive change follows (Moreno, 1946).The concept of catharsis is associated with the early psychodynamic theories.   Catharsis is defined by the American Psychological Association (2007) as â€Å"the discharge of affects connected to traumatic events that had been repressed by bringing these events back into consciousness and reexperiencing them (p. 153). In this approach, painful experiences are released in therapy, by reliving the suppressed emotions.   Its curative effect is seen in various forms – religion, medicine, literature,   theater and the arts.Margaret Naumberg founded the Walden School in New York City in 1915. She believed that children best learn and develop when they are encouraged to express themselves through creative pursuits.She just knew that art is a window to the subconscious mind, and the therapist can best understand the difficulties one is going through by utilizing art as a tool of expression. For her, what is important is what one is co nsciously or unconsciously expressing through his artwork.Theories of Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, and the other psychoanalytic thinkers of the time seemed to have been of great influence to Naumberg's approach to art therapy. The idea that art could be used to enhance diagnosis encouraged not only Naumberg but other early practitioners to study these images and their meanings. Diagnostic drawing and protocols were later developed that led art therapy onto its clinical direction.Jung believed in the healing power of imagination and creativity. He gave   importance to archetypal symbols, and   even encouraged his patients to fantasize and to explore (Feder, 1981).It must be recalled, archetypes are thought forms that create image that correspond to normal waking life, such as an image of a mother figure, that is then identified with the actual mother. Jung pointed out that feelings are explored through a variety of ways. Flow of images are represented in drawing, painting, sculpture , music and movement .Meanwhile, Freud provided the foundation for understanding psychoanalytic processes when he discussed much about symbols in dreams through his writings.Freud believed that   dreams are predominantly visual. However, much of the dream experience is lost in the interpretation of these images into words. He believed that patients could best draw an image, what they were unable to describe in writing (Feder).Naumberg came to realize through their theories that art expression is a technique that has the innate capacity to unavel repressed material, much like verbal therapy. She recognized that one's unconscious feelings and thoughts are best expressed in images than in words. Also, to further illustrate its parallelism to psychoanalysis, take for instance the created images in artworks.These are seen as external symbols of one's thoughts and a skilled therapist could best use these images to elicit feelings, much like the idea of transference.   Integrative tran sformation   or healing is made possible when this experience is made part of an art therapy session.The concept of transference is the cornerstone of the theory and practice of psychoanalysis which originated with Freud.   Simply, transference is reacting to a person in the present as though he or she were a person in one's past. Freud opined that during therapy sessions, patients were unconsciously â€Å"transferring† the feelings and attitudes they had toward early significant figures onto their   therapist.Since then, he knew that the â€Å"transferential† relationship between the patient and the therapist is actually the curative element in psychoanalysis.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Institutional and Corporate Drives of Global Talent Management Evidence from the Arab Gulf Region - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1266 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Article Review: Institutional and corporate drives of global talent management evidence from the Arab gulf region Contents 1. Problems: 2. Need for this study in MBA: 3. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Institutional and Corporate Drives of Global Talent Management Evidence from the Arab Gulf Region" essay for you Create order Methodology: 4. Critical discussion: Limitations: Research scope: Future application and extension of the research: 5. Summary and conclusion: 1. Problems: The article that is selected discusses the fundamental principles for gaining effective ideas in talent management that is importantly a part of the efficient human resource management system that covers the recruitment and all the other relevant operations in organizations. The ideas are explicitly oriented from the happenings and events that have been undertaking in the gulf countries and hence the attributes of the generalized rules for the world talent management is developed and the ideas are accordingly established. The problems that are mainly highlighted in the report is that of the lack of local talent availability and outsourcing from foreign resources that evidentially burns a hole in the budget of the industries based in the ideas are also focused upon the challenges that are readily faced by the management personnel of the organizations to establish a sound quality management and selection procedure for the people. The issues that are regularly faced by the authorit ies of the organization to select and train the professionals who are freshly recruited and the ideas that are to be imbibed in order o effectively manage their respective talents. The strategic measurements to annihilate the problems faced in attaining balance between local adaptation and the global assimilation is accordingly highlighted in the study that has been proposed in the article. The gulf region is a developing platform and hence efficiency quotient is to be maintained accordingly. Thus the major problems that are faced in the field of institutional and corporate drives so as to attain an efficient talent management system is depicted as per the criterion. 2. Need for this study in MBA: The article delivers the metamorphic and practical ideas that aggravates the fabrication of strategic considerations and ideologies which are effectively derived and strategically oriented so as to develop the fundamental criteria that establishes the fundamental concepts of training and development of skills for the employees that in turn stakes the talent bar high which is necessarily important for the sustainability and growth of the organization and hence the ideas are essentially of significance in corporate governance and structural support system fabrication of the organization and are also an integral part of management principles. These reasons compel to orient the article towards an important position in the field of management and hence here by lies the main reasons for this article being needed in the MBA stream exquisitely in the Human Resource stream and talent management. 3. Methodology: The methodology that has been undertaken by the author to compile the arguments and comprehend the discussions and counter measurement of the issues for the effective conclusive idea designing is that of partially quantitative and qualitative. Firstly the numerical data for the local and global talents who all are working in the gulf markets are developed from the company records and databases, then there are managerial level professionals who all are sampled from across the entire gulf countries are interviewed and their respective ideas are deduced and hence the methods and the strategic considerations which are mandatorily used by the organizations which are functioning in the gulf region are accordingly obtained and the ideas are hence designed for the evaluation procedure that yields the final outcomes of the research. The methodology hence also contains effective and efficient reasoning by the researcher to evaluate the final outcomes and the decisive statements for the entir e research. 4. Critical discussion: The talent management is an effective and a much needed strategic unit in the human resource management panel that is organized by the company and the ideas provoke the higher rates of efficiency amongst the staff and thus yield positive results upon the organizational growth and development. The ideas are proposed in the article regarding strategizing a proper and tactical model for attaining effective talent management policies that readily deduces the fundamental elements of sustainability and instigates better performances by recruitment of talented individuals that should be fruitful for the organization in more ways than one. The ideas are to be drawn based upon the argumentative status and the development of the ideas also ensures the stabilized growth for the institutional and corporate drives that explicitly catalyses the growth processes of the organization. The discussion in the critical evaluation of the article can be effectively summarized as per the following categor ical heads which up holds the various characteristic attributes of the article. Limitations: The article evaluates the possibilities and the probabilities that are effectively are compiled by the authors to develop the ideas based upon the gulf countries only this in a way had been a factor that limits the research from being generalized and has given a more generic touch to the article. The ideas are drawn by interviewing the professionals across different regions of the gulf countries and this develops the ideas from the managerial point of view a different angle would have consolidated the research further if along with the higher authorities the recruits were also interviewed which would definitely have added a fresh perspective to the research and hence the arguments deduced at the end would have comprised of better back up theories and information. Research scope: The research has been extensive evaluation of institutional and corporate drives for effective talent management principles in organizations scattered across the gulf countries and are the ones which are comprehended after detailed experimentation and evaluation of the adhered topics and hence the ideas are analysed and developed accordingly to suggest the management teams to strategize better talent management programs for increasing the overall staff efficiency in an impressive manner and hence the ideas are obtained accordingly and the ideas are accurately shed light upon for the benefits of the organization. This also effects the balancing of the local and global adaptation norms of the organizations. There lies the scope of the research and hence the ideas are obtained accordingly with acute dissimilation of the article and critical evaluation of the same. Future application and extension of the research: The research as evidently seen is limited to the domain of the organizations functioning within the gulf region only and hence in future this can be extended over a global platform and hence diversified ideas can be obtained. The outcomes of the research can explicitly be applied in the normative approaches for human resourcing strategies and management of the same. The ideas are extensively applicable and are of immense value in practical world and have the capability to work wonders for the organization by heavily amplifying the talent quotient of the organizations and hence stabilize the operations and growth. 5. Summary and conclusion: The article summarizes the fundamental traits and attributes of talent management based upon the strategies undertaken by the organizations functioning across the gulf countries. The ideologies are based upon the interviews of the managerial personnel for the tactical evaluation of the strategies undertaken for the talent management in respective organizations and hence the strategic outcomes are comprehended by the researcher for the concept consolidation of the reader regarding the talent management and the essential adhered attributes. The fundamental techniques that are adapted are categorically deduced and discussed in the article. The report hereby evaluates the functional attributes and the characteristic properties of the article and the analysis is done accordingly as per the specified technical criteria which are steadily evaluated and expressed accordingly under selected categorical heads and thus the report may now be concluded.