Thursday, December 19, 2019

Summary Of Forrest Gump And Shindlers List - 1124 Words

The 1994 comedy-drama, Forrest Gump captures historical events in the United States as experienced and influenced by a naà ¯ve, and unassuming Forrest Gump, the male protagonist. Schindler’s List, a 1993 historical epic drama tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved over a thousand Polish Jews from the Holocaust during the Second World War. Both Forrest Gump and Schindler’s List are artifacts that consistently recall important moments in history. This essay compares, and contrasts how both films recall important moments in history. Background/Main Argument In recent times, the social sciences have disputed the connection between historical truth and visual representation. In the article â€Å"Hollywood’s Holocaust:†¦show more content†¦Forrest is sitting on public bench in Savannah, Georgia sharing his life story with people as they take a seat next to him. He starts his biography with his first day in school during the 1950s where he is outfitted with leg braces to compensate for a spinal deformity. The audience learns that the naà ¯ve and kind-hearted Forrest, with an obvious low IQ, has played a significant role in history. He met Elvis Presley and by sheer coincidence influenced his well-known stage and concert dancing. Forrest ended up with a football scholarship and excelled on the college team at the University of Alabama. He not only met John F. Kennedy, but he also met Richard Nixon. We also learned that the naà ¯ve Gump also exposed the Watergate scandal forcing Nixon to resign his post as US President. Gump joins the US Army and ends up fighting in Vietnam where he saves several of his platoon and receives the Medal of Honor. Forrest somehow manages to achieve many lofty goals. He becomes an international Ping Pong sensation, turns a shrimp boat into a fleet and gains national attention when he decides to travel across the country by foot. Schindler’s List Schindler starts out as a shady business man who moves his business to Krakow hoping to make a fortune. The Polish Jews have been forced to the ghettos of Krakow, and

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